"Siehe Ich bin bei euch alle Tage bis and das Welt Ende"
"Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age"
A plaque with the verse found in Matthew 28:20 was hung on a wall inside the new church building which was dedicated June 22, 1969. This verse continues to be a significant promise for the Mennoniten Gemeinde zu Steinreich congregation.
Why we began
During the early 1960's, a group of families in the Steinreich area felt the need for deeper Biblical teaching. They also expressed a desire for better education for themselves and their families. A Canadian missionary couple, Abe and Hannah Rempel serving in the Hoffnungsau Church in Cuauhtemoc, were asked by this group to help in starting a local General Conference congregation in the Ojo de la Yegua colony. The Rempels taught Summer Bible School classes for the children during the day and classes for adults in the evening during the summer of 1962. These classes led to Sunday morning services held in various homes.

How we began
Daniel Peters was invited to come to Mexico to be the minister of this quickly growing congregation. In 1963, Dan and his family arrived from Manitoba to serve as pastor and teacher. Initially church services were held in an unused half of a chicken house which had been converted into a place of worship. The construction on the present church began in 1967 and was completed and dedicated in 1969.

What we did in the beginning
During the first years the congregation grew spiritually as well as in numbers. They celebrated baptisms and weddings and enjoyed couples retreats and church picnics. The six Sunday School rooms were filled with children eager to learn Bible stories. The youth group enjoyed events like mountain climbing, ice-cream socials, choir practices and many others.

How we grew
In 1965, the Steinreich congregation joined the Quinta Lupita congregation (now Blumenau) to form the Mennoniten Gemeinde zu Mexico. Since then other congregations have joined these churches and have formed the CMM Conference. Steinreich Mennoniten Gemeinde established a local elementary school in 1963. A junior high has since been added. The Steinreich Bible School is also rooted in the spiritual growth that had it's beginnings in the chicken house.

How we perservered
Because of financial difficulties and other hardships over the years, many members have left the Steinreich area or moved out of the country. Although, throughout the years, the church has been left with many empty pews, God has been faithful in sending willing pastors to shepherd his flock.

Where we are now
During the last years the congregation has again seen growth. Presently the membership and attendance is at an all time high. The walls of the Sunday School rooms have been removed so the sanctuary can accommodate the growth. The children ages 5-13 now have kid's church in the old school building during the morning service.

Steinreich Mennoniten Gemeinde has experienced God's nearness and continues to trust in His faithfulness till the end of the age.