Media Team

Many of you have probably wondered:
... What is a media team?
... What does a media team do or why do we need them at church?
The media team is a team that works behind the scenes. It is their job to go unnoticed while shining the spotlight on the performance and assuring comfort and ease for the audience. When you can't make it to church you are able to tune into live stream, because behind the scenes the media team members are operating cameras, streaming the performance and guaranteeing that you can watch it from wherever you are. You are able to enjoy the wisdom provided through the Biespell videos, not just because of Pastor John Loewen, who teaches diligently, but because behind the scenes, the media team members are recording, directing, editing and publishing the videos, ensuring you receive them on your device. During the week the media team members work to prepare everything you see on the screen on Sunday morning. During the service, they show the right image on screen at the right time. They also assure that the performance on stage can be heard clearly from wherever you are in church. Furthermore, the media team photographs all church events, keeping a visual history for everyone to enjoy. When it comes to special events, they create flyers inviting everyone to come. They also update social media and provide all the information you need about Steinreich Mennoniten Gemeinde on the church´s website.
The Media Team at Steinreich Mennoniten Gemeinde consists of almost 30 people divided into 5 areas: Audio, Livestream, Projection, Photography/Videography and Design. Each area has a coordinator who trains and schedules the passionate team members. These 5 coordinators, together with the media director, meet once a month to oversee the coming responsibilities for their teams, to gather strength and to dream for the future of the Media Team within the Steinreich church.
... So in case you were wondering, this is who the Steinreich Media team is and what they do.