The Sewing Club

The sewing club of the Steinreich Mennoniten Gemeinde embodies the church’s vision of serving others. The ladies of this club meet on the second Thursday of each month and together they sew, quilt, crochet and embroider. Throughout the time they have produced countless items such as potholders, dishtowels, bedspreads, and many different types of blankets. Many of these items get donated to families in need, or else, raffled off or used in support of various church projects. The time the ladies spend together once a month involves more than just sewing; typically, they share a meal, sing, partake in a devotion, and build each other up in the Lord. If you are interested in joining the Steinreich Mennoniten Gemeinde sewing club, don’t hesitate! Visit us the next second Thursday of the next month at 10 am in the old school next to the church. We will be expecting you!