Pastor and Deacon Council

The council of the pastors and deacons are the spiritual leadership of the Steinreich Mennoniten Gemeinde. The group is made up of the lead pastor, copastors, deacons and chairman. The wives of these are also part of the council and play an essential role in the many responsibilities of the group. The council meets once a month to pray for and discuss the spiritual direction of the church. Out of these meetings stem our church´s vision and mission. In case you weren´t familiar, our vision is: “Follow Christ. Serve others. Value family. Build church.” and our mission is to “evangelize, teach, preach and serve in the kingdom of God. To develop a spiritual, personal and family life through the study of the absolute Holy Bible and by living in faith in Jesus Christ.” Together this group plans church events, classes, and retreats, and determine the current and future direction of our ministries. We, the Steinreich Mennoniten Gemeinde, are grateful for our council of pastors and deacons, who take the time to love and serve our church.