The School

Did you know that the Steinreich Mennoniten Gemeinde has a school? That´s right! The school Álvaro Obregón, located in Campo 38.5 is a branch of the Steinreich Mennoniten Gemeinde. Our school prides itself in its excellent standard of education by providing the students with language skills in German, English and Spanish, as well as basic studies such as Math, Science, Geography, Social Studies and much more. The foundation of the school is based on Christian principles and through our material and teachers we aim to instill Christian values in our students. Currently our school has 56 children, of whom 14 are in Secundaria, 33 in Primaria and 9 in Preschool. The school’s staff and board are constantly improving the school. By the year 2025 we plan to have 100+ students, a goal which seem attainable when considering that the prescriptions show a full house for 2022. Also, by 2025, we plan to operate a full cafeteria which serves a daily lunch for the students, a goal we are working towards by currently offering lunch twice a week. Through it all, the vision of Steinreich Álvaro Obregón is to be a high quality, self-sustaining school; recognized for their high education level and Christian values. If you are interested in knowing more about the school, feel free to contact us!